9562086457 mothercollege2002@gmail.com


Dr. M Ali , Managing Trustee


Dear Friend,

It is a pleasure to have education at Mother Atrs and Science College.Innovation of Education with multi faceted strategies is the key stone of MASC.we educate here for Sucess.Success not only in Academic level But also in the overall development of the student community with a special stress on Character Building and socially committed generation .The GREEN campus of MASC will definitely enrich the mindset of the Staff,students ,Parents and well wishers who enter into it. Enjoy the power of NATURE in MASC With Regards, Dr M Ali .

Dr M Ali
Managing Trustee

R U Abdul Salim , Manager & Secretary


Dear Friend,

I Have a Dream !!! Mother Arts and Science College is a life dream .A dream of Long 30 years… Before the inception of The Al -Nasar Trust,that dream was there. Many years I wandered around. Saw many people…met many colleges…interacted with numerous students …experienced the amenities etc… I often wondered of the prestigious institutions of Kerala. The establishment of MASC is the fulfilment of my tedious toil. The gift of Nature you see here….the odour of vegetation that you smell here…..the academic excellence you witness here….the infrastructure that you find here …..the planning and administration that you perceive here ….and many more …are the relentless conclusions of that Dream !!! Like Dream has no end ,the development of MASC has not completed. And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep…. With Regards ,

R .U .AbdulSalim .
Manager & Secretary

Al-Nasar Trust Members

Dr M Ali

Managing Trustee

Dr Hassan M Ali


Dr P A Abdul Hakkim

Vice President

R U Abdul Salim

Manager &Secretary

V M Nageeb

Joint Secretary

Dr P M Shijar


Dr Aisha M Ali


Dr Shabna M Ali


Mrs Sahitha Hassan


Mr A V Saidu Muhammed
