9562086457 mothercollege2002@gmail.com


National Service Scheme is a voluntary organization which is conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. The primary objective of NSS is to develop the personality and character of the Volunteer through voluntary community service. NSS Volunteers work to ensure service to those who is needy.NSS provide every assistance to enhance the standard of living of the poor and help to lead a life of self respect and dignity. The college has conducted various programmes to create an awareness about the duties and responsibilities of Volunteers towards society. We are doing regular activities and also conduct special camp activities for the Volunteers. Our goal is to educate our Volunteers through community services.



  NSS was formally launched on 24th September 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24th September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with various programmes and activities.

Objectives Of NSS

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are :

  • Understand the community in which they work
  • Understand themselves in relation to their community
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
  • Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
  • Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
  • Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
  • Gain skills in mobilizing community participation
  • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
  • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and Practice national integration and social harmony


Tree planting
Blood Donation Camp
Pain and Palliative
Clean India Programme
Anti Drugs Campaign
National Youth Day

NSS Gallery